School - Staff

St. Leonard School has an extremely dedicated, caring and competent staff.  All teachers are licensed by the State Department of Public Instruction.  All classroom religion teachers are also certified in religious instruction by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.  Please take a few minutes to read over the informative "snapshots" of our wonderful staff by clicking on the names below.

Mrs. Laura Bisher

Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Brianne Van Acker

School Secretary
Ms. Janet Mroczkowski

K3 Teacher
Mrs. Sheryl Johnson


K3 Aide
Ms. Lynnisa Van Acker


K3 Aide
Mrs. Kate Slawny


K4 Teacher
Mrs. Karleen Meyer


K4 Aide
Mrs. Peggy Knappen


K4 Aide
Mrs. Sara Walloch


K5 Teacher
Mrs. Julia Kloiber


K5 Aide

Ms. JoAnn Dziennik

Grade 1 Teacher
Ms. Laura Johannsen

Grade 2 Teacher
Mrs. Kelly Miller


Grade 3 Teacher
Mrs. Angela Lucier

Grade 4 Teacher
Ms. Christine Wesling

Grade 5 Homeroom/Grades 5-8 Language Arts
Mr. Will Bojar

Grade 6 Homeroom/Middle School Math Teacher
Mrs. Katherina Kaye

Grade 7 Homeroom/Grades 5-8 Social Studies
Miss Laura Leahy

Grade 8 Homeroom/Grades 5-8 Science Teacher
Mrs. Rachel Lockwood

Reading Specialist
Mrs. Becky Moulton


Math Specialist
Mrs. Gail Kordus


Physical Education Teacher
Ms. Mary Jo Wales



Librarian & Math Interventionist

Ms. Tammy Kujawa

Music Teacher
Mrs. Megan Dixson

After Care Coordinator

Ms. Chris Tillman


Spanish Teacher
Ms. Lopez


Art Teacher
Ms. Oliva MacGillis

Band Teacher
Mr. Robert Hudy


A+ For St. Leonard

"Not only am I a graduate and a parent, but I am a 2nd grade teacher here as well.
I get to see first-hand the excellent, rigorous, faith-filled education my children are receiving."

Kelly M.
St. Leonard parent, alumna and teacher