Human Concerns Committee

Human Concerns Committee Seeks New Chairperson

St. Leonard’s Human Concerns Committee is seeking a new Chairperson who can lead our vibrant committee to complete its mission of service to those who lack basic human needs and to foster a concern for social justice issues as Jesus did. The position will begin July 1, 2024, with guidance from the current chairperson and staff liaison for 12 months.

This is a volunteer position that works with the rest of the committee members, parish staff, chairmen of other parish ministries/committees, and outside organizations as needed. The structure for this position and the committee’s mission is guided by the Pastoral Council and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. The main duties are preparing and presiding over a monthly committee meeting (September through May), overseeing the committee members and the many events it sponsors throughout the year, and assuring that parish policies/procedures are followed.

Please prayerfully consider this opportunity in your life. If you are interested in this role or would like to learn more, please contact Jeanie Lewandowski by April 30 to discuss more thoroughly what the position entails. She can be reached by calling 414-520-5077 or email here.


About the Human Concerns Committee:

The mission of the St. Leonard Human Concerns Committee is to build a compassionate, caring community through service to others in the manner of Christ. The committee seeks to foster an atmosphere of respect for life and show concern for social justice issues.

Committee members and other volunteers fulfill this mission with the following projects:

  • Advent Giving Tree
  • Winter Wear Drive
  • Easter Food Distribution
  • Thanksgiving Food Distribution
  • Parish Food Pantry
  • Lenten Collections
  • Right To Life/Social Justice
  • August School Supplies Collection
  • South Side Meal Program of St. Vincent de Paul
  • Dinners for The Guest House
  • Pack Stockboxes for Hunger Task Force

See Human Concerns Committee Brochure For More Details

We also appreciate monetary donations to support these projects. Please make checks payable to "St. Leonard Human Concerns Committee" and mail them to the parish or put in a clearly marked envelope in the weekend Mass collection. Contact Jeanie Lewandowski, Committee Chairperson, with questions at 414-520-5077 or

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